New School Location

Good afternoon students and parents!

As most of you know, we are in the process of negotiating for a new site for the school. Things are moving forward very well. The location that we are looking at is on Granville Avenue, just north of Centennial Avenue. It was a dry-cleaners when I was growing up.

The space is good for our purposes and will serve us well. The indoor space is open and clean, and there is space outside for activities like knife-throwing, archery, spear-throwing, etc. The Cardinal Greenway runs along the back edge of the property.

My hope is that with a dedicated building, our school will be more attractive to new students. With a larger student base, we will not have to raise tuition. You can help by recommending us to your friends, family, and acquaintances.

One very cool thing about this building is that there is an apartment included in the facility. At least in the beginning, my family and I would live on site. This means that our schedule will be very flexible. We will have virtually no down time with classes six days a week.

As always in these things, money is an issue. Moving, of course, costs money, there is also a down payment, decorating, and new mats to consider. If you would like to help us cover these costs, I can bill your tuition as far in advance as you would like. Everything up to twelve months paid in advance will receive a 10% discount. If you would like to do more than that, let me know and we’ll work something out. (If you would like to use the link below, you can always pay almost any amount you would like. You can also use PayPal.)

These are exciting times! I’m very grateful to all of you for your dedication, loyalty and commitment to your martial art training. With your continued support, we will be in our best position so far to bring our unique martial art system  to Muncie.

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